You're stuck at the start.

Things are still pretty ad hoc and manual, and it can be hard to figure out how to get momentum going.

But don't worry - everyone has to start somewhere! The good news is that levelling up just requires a touch of alignment, a little bit of structure and a sprinkling of product delivery best practice.

Amy de Hamel
CEO, Pixel Fusion

You're not alone. Most of our clients start off at the Initial Product Level. The good news, from this stage there's no-where to go but up.

Got questions?

The Initial Product Level is essentially the starting point on your journey to better product delivery.

By 'products' we mean anything that your organisation creates and manages online - like websites, apps, and software tools - that improve customer experiences, save time and money, and help grow the business!

The overall product journey consists of four key stages, and each stage is a level-up when it comes to delivering improvements that align to your organisations goals.

The biggest challenge at this stage is feeling stuck. Whether you're currently blocked by a lack of resources, lack of alignment or a lack of visibility over what needs to get done - at this stage you are usually frustrated at your inability to get stuff done.

We help clients solve this challenge by getting better product processes in place that ensure visibility and alignment over what needs to be done (and in what order). But we don't stop there, we help get the work done, allowing you to start finally seeing that momentum you've been craving.

Being stuck at the Initial Level impacts you in many ways.

Firstly, the investment you made initially to build your website, apps, products and systems will be degrading over time as the required maintenance has probably not been kept up to date. So not only are you stuck not delivering anything new, what you do have will be experiencing more issues.

Secondly, your backlog of work requests will just keep growing. The longer you wait, the longer it gets. If all of your time and focus is on trying to clear old requests you won't have any resources or bandwidth to maximise on new opportunities.

The next level is called Repeatable for a reason. The aim is to get to a stage where you are delivering on changes and improvements on a regular basis.

To do this you need to gain visibility over the work that needs to be done, and have a clear prioritisation process that involves key stakeholders - ensuring everyone is on the same page. Lastly you need a way to deliver those changes and improvements on a regular basis, alongside a regular maintenance plan.

Need some help? We're here to support you on this journey! Our expert team has helped many clients to keep their products running smoothly with regular maintenance, clear old backlogs, and establish a continuous delivery process to set a steady momentum and start to deliver on their goals.

Andy Tang
Developer, Pixel Fusion

Our team is here to help you transition from the initial phase to the repeatable phase with ease and a smile on your face.

How can we help you?


Nail those processes.

We work with you to establish repeatable processes that ensure everyone is on the same page and aligned towards the same goals.


Align those priorities.

Based on your organisations unique needs, our team of experts work closely with you to implement a clear prioritisation process that aligns to your goals.


Clear that backlog.

We don't just provide you with the tools and resources you need to succeed - we're your no stress, no mess, all action product delivery team.

"Their developers are well-experienced & knowledgeable, as well as being curious and keen to get into code to either resolve problems or create new features. Pixel Fusion work with you and your goals and will always work for your best interest and not their own. They want you to succeed and be supported every step of the way."

Sinéad Nicholls, eCommerce Project Coordinator at PETstock