Let's get building.

So, your awesome idea has become a plan for a super awesome product. Sweet. Let’s get building, and your MVP out the door.

Having done all the meaty planning work in the first stage of product development, we apply our big-picture view to dividing our workload into blocks. Then, we get into sprints. Intensive blocks of work ensure we’re getting the most we can out of the time allotted. Our people are laser-focused on the things they’re best at, so each sprint aligns the right skill sets to the right tasks. Once we’ve built a product of beauty together, the next step is to get it out to market. At the MVP stage, your product should be doing everything it’s supposed to in order to be successful, and if you need it to do anything else, to evolve or to change to match market conditions, well, you know who to call.

Amy de Hamel
CEO, Pixel Fusion

Planning isn't a one-off thing, so we hold regular planning sessions in advance of our sprints, and we involve you in all of our pre-sprint planning sessions.

Sprinting to victory


We break up the project into manageable tasks.

We use agile planning methods to ensure a solid foundation for continuous long-term delivery of your product.


Sprints are planned a week in advance.

We’ll chat to you while we’re planning and can nimbly change priorities if things like market conditions change.


Be confident in the time frames provided.

Our team’s expertise helps us accurately estimate what’ll get done during one of these big work blocks.

- helping you take on the world with creative product solutions.

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Right people, right place, right time

We know what our team’s good at, and we weaponise their talents. We carefully map out the technical requirements for each task. Then, assign the people with the skills to knock it out of the park.

Anthony van Beek
Developer. Pixel Fusion

Ever seen what product delivery best practice is really like? We’re guessing no because if you’re reading this, you haven’t tried us yet.

Our full visibility approach gives you a whole new kind of confidence.

Our team of full-stack senior developers and skilled project managers will be taking the lead on your product. Depending on the requirements and needs of your product, we’ll pair you with the right people with the right skills. Migrating to AWS? We’ll match you to an AWS specialist.

You have access to all of the same agile management systems that our team does - ensuring you have full visibility at all times, from the overall roadmap, to each sprint, right down to how each piece of work is progressing. You can be as involved as you want to be.

Get the scoop on what’s happening at all times, and by seeing a new way of working in action, you might pick up some learnings for the rest of your business.

That's completely up to you. We have a clear review process, which you can see, before any updates go live. Our client review stage enables you to make adjustments as needed so you’re satisfied that any updates are delivering exactly what you need.

Our review and deployment process is rigorous, and we’re proud of it. We don’t put anything into market that we don’t back 100%.

Our infrastructure team is made up of senior, AWS-certified developers. You can go and do the things you’re awesome at, while we do what we’re awesome at: keeping your platforms up to date to ensure stability, and minimising risk as much as possible with monthly infrastructure reviews. 

Should the worst happen, with our regular maintenance and built-in disaster recovery plan, our team will be able to jump in with full context immediately - and a bad situation won’t become worse with a scary bill.

All of them! We don’t like to fit inside a box, with a team of skilled developers with a range of skills, expertise and knowledge, there’s nothing we can’t do. Here are just a few of the things we can do for you:

Product Design & Development, Software Management, UI & UX, Solution Architecture, Optimisation & Management, eCommerce Development and Strategy Consulting, API Integration and Solution Architecture.

Get started
Amy de Hamel
CEO, Pixel Fusion

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